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Dunlap StoryWalk

What is a StoryWalk?

A StoryWalk is a fun activity that engages families in literacy and physical activity. Pages from a children's book are printed and placed in displays along a walkable path. Often times, these book pages are accompanied by thought-provoking questions and/or activity prompts to make the activity more interactive.

Click here to download and print the Dunlap StoryWalk brochure.

Follow the Dunlap StoryWalk on Facebook


What are the benefits of a StoryWalk?

Reading a StoryWalk with adults gives children the opportunity to learn new words, describe things and events, enjoy and tell stories, learn how to follow a story in sequence (physically moving from page to page), and hear and play with sounds and letters in words.


How often is the StoryWalk updated with a new book?

The Dunlap StoryWalk will be updated every six weeks or so. Follow the Dunlap StoryWalk on Facebook to see notifications about new books at the StoryWalk and other important messages. Additional questions may be posed via Facebook Messenger to the Dunlap StoryWalk Facebook page.



The Dunlap StoryWalk is located at Pleasant View Park on the east side of Dunlap. From Hwy 37 (Iowa Ave.), go south on 12th St. Then turn left (go east) on Eagle Street. Eagle Street is the entrance to the park. Park near the playground structure. The StoryWalk can be found along the walking trail near the lake.


Thank you to our Sponsors and Supporters:

Boyer Valley Youth Organization, Dunlap American Legion Post 224, The Silver Fox Foundation, The Brock Family, Sam and Sue Cogdill, Scott and Michelle Garside, John and Jayne Klein, Gale Rockwell, Cody and Jill Schaben, Jake and Ashley Schaben, Jay and Karla Schaben, Dana and Susan Sturgill, Travis and Erica Sullivan, Sullivan Supply Inc., Dunlap Community Development Corp., Dunlap City Council, Dunlap Library Board, and Dunlap Public Library